Passionate Kid Storyteller, Oluogbagbemi awakens literary skills in teens writing contest


Short story author, publisher and teacher, Funke oluogbagbemi is sparking interests in literary writing and reading among young people in her contest for teenage writers in Nigeria.

Growing up in a family of writers and publishers, Funke had a keen interest in literary writing and was an avid reader from childhood, which according to her, was largely credited to the efforts of her parents, both writers, Chief Olaiya Fagbamigbe of the famous Fagbamigbe Publishers and Dr Ebun Fagbamigbe.

With almost all siblings as writers, Funke is dedicated to literacy development and skilling.
As a teacher, she noted a concerning lack of interest for writing stories among young ones, which she believes is a valuable skill that would help them improve their use of English in the development of language, critical thinking and communication skills.

To bridge this gap, her short story writing contest is set to help these youngsters hone their creativity, become independent thinkers and problem solvers from their young age.
The skills which according to Funke are lacking in teenagers, are essential in all areas of life and if acquired early sets young people well underway for successes in their academics.

In partnership with ‘Fight for Your Child’, ‘Lumazio’ and ‘Courageous Children & Parents Initiative’, the contest is set in two categories for both pre-teenagers and teenagers from the age brackets eight to 12 and 13 to 17. The prizes for young winners are scholarships worth #250,000 first place, #150,000 for second place and 50,000 in the third place category to encourage and celebrate them.

Interested writers and their parents are to contact 09048255845 on WhatsApp for more enquiries….

Funke Oluobagbemi is kindling literary passions among kids, what little efforts are you making to impact your sphere of the world ?

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