New WhatsApp update to recall and delete embarrassing messages on the way !


WHATSAPP is planning a new update that will let app users recall or revoke sent text messages, as well as edit texts after they have been sent.

WhatsApp will soon let users revoke, recall or edit sent messages in a chatWHATSAPP • GETTY

WhatsApp will soon let users revoke, recall or edit sent messages in a chat

WhatsApp may soon let users revoke, recall or edit messages that have already been delivered to contacts within the chat app.The feature would allow users to edit – or completely revoke – messages sent by accident, as well any texts with cringe-inducing typos or content.And that could save WhatsApp users a lot of embarrassment.WhatsApp is currently trialling the new feature within its iPhone beta software.Those with access to the early beta release say the feature is disabled by default, meaning users have to know of its existence, and seek it out within the settings menu to enable it.Pressing and holding on a sent message within the iOS version of WhatsApp now includes two new options in the small menu.

Tapping and holding on the message summons a slew of new options, including Edit and RevokeWHATSAPP • WABETAINFO • TWITTER

Tapping and holding on the message summons a slew of new options, including Edit and Revoke

Edit will let you change the content of the message, while Revoke lets you pull the text from the conversation – as if it never existed.Unfortunately, the ability to revoke your message will only work when the recipient hasn’t seen the text.WhatsApp can currently delete messages from your own device, however the deleted messages will remain visible to the recipients.
Source- Express.


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